Thursday, July 25, 2013

Quick Hits/Daily Dose (DTH Opinion)

Pretty boy bomber
Rolling Stone drew severe criticism with its decision to run a charmingly unkempt photo of Boston bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev on its latest cover. It's touchy, I know, but isn't it a bit petty to insist we only run unflattering photos of killers? Delving into his psyche is infinitely more worthwhile than doing Kanye's again, anyway.

Boxill debacle
Emails coming to light over the weekend reveal faculty chairwoman Jan Boxill redacted the 2012 report on academic fraud explicitly to avoid NCAA repercussions. We should be over this by now, but no, there's always more. Boxill, really? Did integrity just not occur to you? You literally wrote the book on sports ethics.

Roll over for rights
North Carolina took a brave step forward in the humane fight for canine rights last week with a bill allowing police to break into locked cars to free pets left in the heat. This is huge for animal welfare and basic moral values, but it's a little concerning when lawmakers show more empathy for furry quadrupeds than poor people.

Brits bust smut
The UK's David Cameron unveiled a wide range of puritanical new policies Monday aimed at censoring online porn. If England is our mother country, does that mean we should be embarrassed when she talks about sex? Maybe we're estranged enough by this point to laugh instead of feeling humiliated by association.

Dubai adopts gold standard
Public health officials in Dubai could be putting Weight Watchers and Michelle Obama out of a job with their latest initiative.

Instead of teaching good habits or trying to make it easier for dieters to eat healthy meals, they're cutting all the fatty gimmicks and getting down to the meaty, capitalistic core: bribery.

For every kilogram (a little more than 2 pounds) participants lose, they win a gram of gold. So the government's determinedly putting its money where its mouth is when it comes to rising rates of obesity -- more than we can say for Obama and school systems across America, am I right?

But isn't this risky? Who knows what criminal element could arise from Dubai's sweaty underbelly to take advantage of the situation.

An enormous mobile sand dune in Tunisia is threatening Mos Espa, the birthplace of child Anakin Skywalker -- or at least the movie set from 1999.

Now the Tunisian government is acting to protect it -- because even fossils from our cultural scrap heap can be culturally significant to other nations' economies.

"As we continue our journey of being a better, more relevant Taco Bell, (kids') meals and toys simply no longer make sense for us to put resources behind."

--Taco Bell, the cutting edge of modern fast food, decided Tuesday to discontinue kids' meals. But fear not! Cheese roll-ups will still be featured on the regular menu.

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