Point: Stop Stifling My Child
Lisa Baker
The modern American educational system disgusts me; you take the students and you shove the curriculum down their throats and kick them out the door. Education is supposed to be about fostering a love for learning and nurturing creativity but all you care about is test scores. Maybe if you'd take your head out of your ass for one second you'd see that kids don't like being limited or fenced in -- they want to be free to ask questions and engage their imaginations and learn what they want to learn. You take the gifted kids and you stuff them in a box with your standardized testing and your utilitarian conformity. You stifle -- no, you strangle them with your emphatic mediocrity.
Counter: Your Child is Dumb as Shit
Mr. Morrison
Wait one second -- just chill out, lady. You're Mrs. Baker, right? Trevor's mom? Oh I see, you're here about the math test. Look, Trevor didn't fail the ever-loving-holy-merciful-Jesus out of that test because he's an "individual." He failed because he's got the mental capacity of a sweaty dead sloth. If shoving curriculum down his throat would help him grasp basic fundamental concepts I'd do it, but the only way Trevor is ever going to learn the difference between multiplication and making poopy is if he suddenly grows a brain in that snotty bruised cranium of his. Hate to break it to you, Mrs. Baker, but Trevor is dumb as shit.
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