Being a junior is a lot like being a sophomore, but with more credibility. I still don't know how to cook an egg to save my life, and my sense of direction can't get me any farther than the laundry room, let alone Carrboro, but for some reason people seem to think I know what I'm doing now.
But I guess my perspective is different now too. Even if I'm still generally clueless, I feel experienced, like a grizzled veteran of the martial struggle for higher education. The coolest part about that is I get to help out underclassmen and not feel like the blind leading the blind; I'm finally allowed to pretend I know what I'm talking about and excitedly share my knowledge with the new first-years--in exchange, of course, for the occasional free meal at Lenoir Dining Hall.
Junior year brings its own challenges though. My classes are getting harder, my papers are getting longer, and I've had to face the unfortunate truth that being in a ukulele ensemble is not relevant experience for a future career in Journalism. I've moved off campus this year as well, so that's necessarily opened up a veritable Pandora's box of domestic challenges.
However, despite having to clean my own bathroom and learn to cook for myself without burning the whole apartment complex down, I am still just as excited for the coming year as I was for the last two, if not more so. I have my housemates, Alex and my cousin Meredith, and I have all of LCM to support me and give me experiences to look back and reflect on for years to come. The novelty of simply being in college has not even begun to wear off, and I'm confident that UNC and LCM have many more experiences, lessons, and surprises in store for me.
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